

Below is a partial list of texts, typical of my range of topics. In addition, a downloadable PDF (Articles and Papers Index) provides titles and dates of over 500 think pieces, articles and papers spanning the period from 1970 until now. The texts cover a wide range of socio-economic topics, meaning some are distinctly sociological rather than economic, and yet the whole of modern life has an economic mood about it. As regards economics, this is meant in terms of associative economics, namely, descriptive rather than definitive and with a strong bias towards practical economic experience rather than ‘ivory tower’ contemplation.

As much as possible, the style of the writings is meant to be pan-historical, meaning their relevance or deeper significance ought not to tire with the passage of time. The texts are of varying lengths, ranging from short ‘think pieces’ to complete dissertations, depending on the circumstance that gave rise to the material. Some are derived from transcribed lectures. (In some cases there are non-English versions. Many of these texts are being incorprated into books as part of my Complete Works – see below.)


Written either directly or compiled from articles, I have written a number of books in the socio-economic field, especially from an associative point view, an approach that is neither statist nor market; neither believing that the state should run economic life (its role is to provide a context in terms of rights), nor that economic life should be given over wholly to ‘market forces’, as if of themselves they can or ought to displace human judgement. Now that the global financial crisis is upon us as a continuing rather than resolved phenomenon, perhaps the ideas in these books can provide a 'new wallpaper’ for both our macro and micro understanding of economic life. 

My Journey to the Centre of the Economy, an introduction to my 'collected works', is available here, while below is a full list of all titles, published and unpublished. The titles in pale grey can be bought online. * = written with others.

External Publishers

Las Finanzas en el Umbral
(Spanish) 2011
Finance at the Threshold 2011 
Liberando las Estrellas Circulantes (Spanish) 2011
Economische Schetsen (Prelude in Economics) (Dutch) 2010
El Yo y La Economia Moderna (Spanish) 2009
Kapitalizmus Metamorfózisa (Hungarian) 2009
Preludiu în Economic (Romanian) 2016
Prelude en Economie (French) 1989

Associative Economics Worldwide
Editor and/or Contributor
All titles via æBookstore.

A Second Chance for the World* 2019
A–Z Glossary (of Associative Economics)* 2014
Towards True Pricing and True Income* 2009
3x3x3 – A Study of Rudolf Steiner's Economics Course* 2004
Step into Another World*
Rudolf Steiner, Economist* 1996
Economics – The world as one economy* 2014 / 1999 /1993

CHB / Collected Works
All titles via æBookstore.

GATT, the Euro and State-free Economics 2021
Johannine and Michaelic Economics 2021
Putting the I in Economics 2021
Romanian Notes 2021
Economic Imagery 2021
Concerning Currency
Economic Biographies
Curriculum-neutral Capitation 2021
OGM's Razor 2021
Rare Albion, Too 2020
Pent Up! Revaluing Folkestone 2020
Prelude a la Economia (Spanish) 2020
Seed Corn – The Economics of Farming 
Beyond Capital and Labour 2019
1919, Reparations and All That 2019
Aristotle, Aquinas and Steiner 2019
Economics Revisited 2019
Exploring Finance Today 2019
A Random Walk to Dornach 2019
Pondering Finance 2019
Sketches in Sociology 2019
True, not Basic Income 2019
Victor's Blogs 2019
Prelude in Wirtschaft
 (German) 2018
Prelude in Economics (Greek) 2016
Prelude a Economia (Portuguese)
Towards 2023 2013
The Optional Euro 

Auditorial Central Banking 2005
Rare Albion 2005 
Freeing the Circling Stars 2004 
The Right On Corporation 2004 
The Metamorphosis of Capitalism 2003  
Of Wheat and Gold 1996 (1988)
Prelude in Economics 1996 (1979)
The Deed of Rudolf Steiner 2014 (1996) (1979)

Imminent (* = with others; Italics = Prepared. [] = Editor. () = Provisional.)

Prelude in Economics (Hungarian)
Prelude in Economics (Italian)
Prelude in Economics (Romanian)
Prelude in Economics (Dutch)
Prelude in Economics (revision / French)
Liberando las Estrellas Circulantes (revision / Spanish)
Steiner, Dunlop and Keynes
Associativa Austral
Open Access Credit
The Colours of Money
The Metamorphosis of Capitalism (Spanish)
Christianity as Financial Fact
(Brexit, Economics, Finance)
(Youth Finance, School Finance, Sociology)
(Economic History, The Colours of Money Story)
[A Human Response to Globalisation] (Spanish)
[Beyond Brundtland]

[Economics Conference / 19 Years Work]
[Economics to the Second Power]
[Three Kinds of Money]

In Preparation (* = with others; Italics = Prepared. [] = Editor. () = Provisional.)

Air Beneath their Wings (Youth Bonds)
The Metamorphosis of Capitalism (French)
Double or Quit (Double Entry Bookkeeping)*
Deep Accounting
Of Wheat and Gold (Dutch)
Towards a New Economy
The Unspoken Mission of John Maynard Keynes
Rare Albion Storyboard
Prelude in Economics (Chinese)
Prelude in Economics (English)