Biography & Affiliations

An economic and monetary historian with a doctorate in banking and finance (City University Business School, London), I work independently in many contexts ranging from mainstream to ‘alternative’, central banking to organic farming. I write frequently on economic affairs, and have published many books, mostly on a 'vanity' basis (see Writings & Works). An exception is Finance at the Threshold, Gower, 2011). 

Born in England in 1948, I left school at 16, then spent my youth travelling, working on private yachts and learning the film business in California. I spent 1968 in Berkeley, where I developed a strong interest in Marxist ideas, but became convinced that Marx had failed to interpret his vision accurately. Prior to this time I had also met the work of Rudolf Steiner, whose contributions to sociology and economics have been of special interest to me ever since.

I have initiated or participated in a variety of small, mostly 'green', businesses in fields as varied as farming, housing, food distribution, retailing and investment. I served for seven years as a local councillor, many of them as chairperson, and four as a state school governor. I now mainly work free-lance as a writer, publisher and consultant, and give workshops around the world.

My particular interest is in the development of associative economics, an approach to economics that combines financial discipline with active social responsibility on the part of human beings. Originating in Rudolf Steiner's contribution to economics, this is a non-partisan approach to the wide and divergent range of thought currently informing modern debates – from neo-liberal to ‘alternative’.

Since the mid 1990s, my professional focus has been on the modern financial system – its history and how it works, but also its future. I am especially concerned with teaching financial literacy to young people and the associated need to fund their aims and initiatives (see Youth Bonds).

From 2014-2018, I developed the idea of 'open access credit' as part of the EU-funded project, Creating Economic Space for Social Innovation, based in Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford Business School, England. Alongside this I initiated FinanceFolkestone as a contribution to Folkestone's economic regeneration.

Since 2018, my main focus continues to be youth financial literacy, but I am also linked to two projects in Folkestone, England: the Urban Room and the Triennial.

Formal Education
Ph.D in Banking: “An enquiry into the relationship between central banking and the financial markets since 1973, with special reference to the Bank of England.” Cass Business School, London, England.

BA (Hons.) in Economic History: Graduation project  – “Dogs may bark…”, a 30 minute documentary on central bank independence and the Bank of England. University of Sussex, Brighton, England.

Private Studies
Sociology and modern political history, with particular emphasis on Latin America. Rudolf Steiner’s contribution to economics and sociology. Cinematic filming, sound, lighting, and editing in California, USA, and Sussex, England. Seamanship and navigation during 2 years on private yachts (i.e. the sea as life's teacher).

Fields of Experience
Writing and editing. Lecturing and university teaching. Consulting on organisational structure, budgeting, and financial management. Publishing. Property development, school and farm management. Local politics. Town regeneration.

Note: I am not licensed to give financial advice and nothing that I say or that appears on this website should be construed otherwise.


Part of Folkestone's town regeneration, a four-year project commemorating all those who died in World War 1.

Technical University, Delft
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

Associative Economics Association
Owner and promoter of the (æ) Quality Guarantee Mark.

Centre for Associative Economics
Based in England, the Centre promotes associative economics through its online æBookstore.

Economics Conference of the Goetheanum
A worldwide community of people exploring and elaborating Rudolf Steiner's contribution to economics.